Post concussion syndrome can be a lingering effect of your car accident.
After a car accident, one of the hidden dangers can be a concussion. In the moments after the accident a concussion might not be readily apparent, but victims may experience nausea, headaches, and sensitivity to light or sound. Tucson personal injury attorneys at the Showard Law Firm know that even after the symptoms of a concussion are gone, Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS) can be an ongoing issue for victims.
Of the more than one million minor head injuries each year, half of victims will still have the lingering effects after a month, and 15% will still be suffering after a year. According to the Mayo Clinic, older victims and women are more susceptible to PCS, and if you are suffering from persistent symptoms, there are some things to remember as you prepare to see a doctor.
- Write down symptoms you have experienced;
- Record any major life changes, including your Tucson car accident;
- List all of your medications;
- Some PCS victims have trouble with cognition and memory, and a companion might be able to help with a doctor’s questions. It might be a good idea to bring a friend.
If you are diagnosed with post concussion syndrome, the treatment can be costly. Both medication and therapy are often used to help victims, and the bills can quickly accumulate.
If you have been the victim of a car accident and you have the warning signs of nausea, headaches, and sensitivity to light and sound, you may have PCS. A Tucson personal injury lawyer can help you if you need to seek compensation to help cover your expensive medical bills.