Prioritizing Profits - Ep 51: Apple River Stabbing Involves Teenagers

Prioritizing Profits – Ep 51: Apple River Stabbing Involves Teenagers

Episode 51 Overview In this episode, Sarah and Ben Showard cover the following information: Tesla self-driving car accident lawsuit. Apple River stabbing incident involving teenagers. Zantac cancer cases – critical settlement reached. Johnson & Johnson talcum powder cancer lawsuit. Ozempic weight loss litigation is moving quickly. Philips CPAP case. Allergan textured breast implants lawsuit (BIAACL…

Breast Implants Featured image showing surgeon grabbing silicone breast implant during surgery

Breast implants with textured surfaces can cause anaplastic large-cell lymphoma

The Philadelphia Inquirer (8/3, McCullough, 1.07M) reported that scientists agree that breast implants with textured surfaces, rather than smooth ones, can cause “breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma.” Back in 2011, the Food and Drug Administration estimated the risk as less than one in 500,000, but “the risk after a decade of wearing the devices could…