Prioritizing Profits - Ep 50: Horrifying Medical Malpractice Cases

Prioritizing Profits – Ep 50: Horrifying Medical Malpractice Cases

Episode 50 Overview In this episode, Sarah and Ben Showard cover the following information: 💼 The doctor’s reputation and relationship with the patient can affect the likelihood of a malpractice lawsuit. 📝 Obtaining medical records and seeking a second opinion can help assess if there are grounds for a malpractice case. ⚖️ Medical malpractice cases…

Unecessary Heart Surgery surgeons performing coronary artery replacement

Unnecessary Heart Surgery

Most patients trust their doctors and most doctors (in my experience) are trustworthy, in fact I married one. Unfortunately, not all doctors have the patient’s best interests at heart when it conflicts with their bottom line. The New York Times recently published an article revealing that many patients suffering from peripheral artery disease underwent sometimes…