Bard Hernia Mesh Lawsuits featured image showing a doctor with various medical symbols hovering over his hand including the word hernia

Bard Hernia Mesh Lawsuits

Bard hernia mesh lawsuits have been filed by individuals who allege that the meshes used to treat hernias were defectively designed, leading to a number of serious complications. Bard is one of the largest manufacturers of hernia mesh in the world, with its products widely used in surgical repair of inguinal and abdominal wall hernias.…

Doctor holding a hernia mesh with forceps during surgery

Hernia Mesh Vlog

The 2nd Bard hernia mesh Bellwether trial ended on Friday with a $250,000 verdict in favor of the plaintiff. The jury found that the Bard Ventralex hernia patch was dangerous, defective and that it injured the plaintiff. The jury awarded the plaintiff $250,000 for his injuries.   This is very good news for all of…

COVID 19 Delays Hernia Mesh Trials featured image showing a face mask with CORONAVIRUS written on it


The extraordinary circumstances surrounding the COVID 19 pandemic have affected court proceedings involving hernia mesh litigation. Thousands of hernia mesh cases have been filed across the country by patients claiming the devices caused serious injury and health complications. Plaintiffs in the three hernia mesh multidistrict litigations have been anxiously awaiting their day in court, but…